Visiting Tuscany starting from Fucecchio
Fucecchio rises on the right bank of the Arno river, halfway between Florence (45 Km), Pisa (38 Km), and Lucca (33 Km). It is easily accessible both by car and by train.

How to get to Fucecchio
It is easily accessible by both car and train.
Arrive by car
• Freeway Florence-Pisa-Livorno (FI-PI-LI), San Miniato exit
• Firenze-Mare A11 motorway, Altopascio or Chiesina Uzzanese exit
• A1 motorway, Firenze-Scandicci exit
• A12 motorway, Pisa Centro exit
In Fucecchio there are over 1500 free places available a stone’s throw from the center.
The administration has created the brochure “Parking in Fucecchio” where, for each parking lot, located on the map, the numbers of the free or paid parking spaces are indicated.
Camper service
It is in operation in Piazza Pertini, along Via Fucecchiello, a free service area for campers, equipped with a discharge of organic substances and with a connection point for drinking water. In the same square there is also a high quality water fountain equipped with four dispensers.
Arrive by train
The closest station is San Miniato on the Florence – Pisa railway line, about 4 km from Fucecchio.
The connection is made through the bus service.
For the train timetable, consult the website
TPL - trasporto pubblico locale
Arrive by bus
Fucecchio is connected to the neighboring municipalities by the services of Autolinee Toscane, from 1 November 2021 the only local public transport manager for the entire Region. The lines with timetables can be consulted, together with all the information, on the website
The lines to reach Fucecchio or its hamlets are:
Extraurban Services – PI
• Line 240 “Galleno-Santa Maria a Monte-Pontedera”
• Line 250 “Pontedera-Santa Maria a Monte-Santa Croce S/A-Fucecchio”
• Line 290 “Empoli-La Scala-Fucecchio-Staffoli-Galleno”
• Line 291 “San Miniato-Ponte a Egola-Staffoli-Galleno”
• Line 310 “San Miniato stazione-Fucecchio”
• Line 879 “Montopoli-Fucecchio”
Extraurban Services – CEV
• Line 60 “Fucecchio-Lamporecchio-Montecatini”
Servizi Extraurbani – CEV
• Line 20 “Fucecchio-Galleno-Altopascio”
• Line 21 “Empoli-Cerreto Guidi-Fucecchio”
• Line 26 “Empoli-Avane-Fucecchio”