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Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis

Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis

Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis
Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis
Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis
Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis

Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis

Iter Mentis has been active in Fucecchio and beyond since 2007 and offers various opportunities for growth, enrichment as well as entertainment thanks to the four ``projects`` in which its operators are involved: Hallo Kultur (culture) and Hallo Kultur Junior (tutoring); Feliz Vuelta (tourism); Rendez Vous (events); No Book (projects for schools). The association already boasts numerous initiatives to its credit, realized independently or in collaboration with other partners. We promote tours to Fucecchio, especially to the old town and its monuments. Iter Mentis literally means ``The journey of the mind``.


  • Design and realisation of tourist initiatives including: guided tours, excursions, and trips
  • Language courses
  • Computer courses
  • Art history
  • Diction and reading
  • Creative writing
  • Financial literacy
  • Educational assistance
  • Memorisation
  • Art techniques
  • Macramé
  • Events
  • Dramatised readings
  • Dance workshops
  • Theme evenings

Associazione Culturale Iter Mentis

Accompagnatore turistico

Exploring Fucecchio, born of the Fucecchio Tourism Association, was created with the aim of promoting the Fucecchio territory, creating synergies between operators in the sector and all those who want to enhance the tourist potential of the city.

+39 348 828 4785
Via La Marmora 34, 50054 Fucecchio (FI)
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